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![]() John's Open Letters Vol. 1 #30 June 28, 2002 Our good friend Sam Naomi is home from a stay in the hospital and is doing fine. He is being treated for COPD. I had no idea what this was until my Home Nurse, on her regular visit, told me it means "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease". I asked him what happened with the removal of Jerry Lake from the Membership / Chapter Formation Committee Chairmanship. This is what happened: Jerry Lake was fired from that position after doing it for three years. He was never notified he was fired. No one, and that includes Mr. Coon, officially notified him this was happening. Jerry had offered a letter of Resignation to Mr. Coon at the Meeting in Las Vegas, in January, and Mr. Coon would not accept it. Mr. Coon offered a handshake to Jerry when he asked him to not quit. Jerry decided he would continue to do the job. Sam said Jerry told him he heard rumors he was going to be replaced but only rumors. Sam also heard he was going to be Jerry's replacement and his name would be put in the Graybeards under Committees. Sam called the printer and, upon learning this was true, told them not to put his name in the magazine. Sam was never asked if he wanted the job and at the present time he would not take it. An official letter or phone call should have been sent/made but this never happened. There seems to be an assumption on Mr. Coon part that he can order people to do a particular job and not even have the courtesy to ask them first. I talked to Jerry Lake and he told me he should not have been surprised because Mr. Coon fired his predecessor, Mr. Martin, the same way. He said he wasn't notified either. Since Jerry Lake took over the Membership / Chapter Formation position the KWVA has had one hundred and ten new Chapters formed with thousands of new Members. Of this, Sam Naomi organized twenty-six new Chapters with over sixteen hundred new Members. Now both are not officially working to form Chapters. This is another example of how the present administration is leading the KWVA. Every day I see more reasons for a change of command. We owe a lot of thanks to Jerry and Sam for a job well done. Not once has a "thank you" been put in the Graybeards, but instead Mr. Coon is taking credit for the increase in Membership under his leadership. Mr. Coon said he was going to run the KWVA like a business. Hire them and fire them at the wishes of the boss. Now I know why some of the other Staff and Committee officers have accepted their positions. It is because they are of like minds. When I got my May/June issue of the Graybeards I was rather disturbed when I turned to page four and saw the picture of our National Headquarters. The picture appeared phony. Upon further scrutinizing I realized the sign is not on the building but instead is a paste-over or computerized version of what it actually is. The flag pole has a break in it which proves the blue sign is not on the building. Looks good on paper but it is not real. Another thing that bothered me was that whoever did the printing of the paste-over sign failed to put "Korean War Veterans Association". The sign says "Korean War Veterans Organization". When did we become just an Organization and not the Association that we are chartered under? A Member of the KWVA went by the building at 4120 Industrial Lane, Beavercreek, Ohio and did not see the sign as was presented on page 4 of the Graybeards magazine. Instead the only sign above the door at this address is "Har-Co Technologies". This was the name of Mr. Coon's business which appears to be closed. I will be receiving some pictures shortly to add to my other documents. The Members are being lied to constantly and this charade has got to stop. I think the KWVA deserves better than this. A change in command would do what is needed so desperately. At present we are in a position of waiting and the proof will come out when the votes are counted and reported to the Members in July. I think a big turnout at the July Meeting would be great. Then the celebrating will begin. Surely the KWVA will be put back on the right track and we can have some normalcy in this organization. I made a personal call to General Raymond G. Davis, Retired, and Medal of Honor Recipient. I was curious about his letter on Page seven in the May/June Graybeards. He said that somebody, he can't remember who, told him that they were going to put his April 15, 2002 letter in the Graybeards. He did not initiate this action. It seemed to me that he was confused about what was going on. Along with the other election related articles in the last two issues of the Graybeards magazine it appears that General Davis's good name is being used to further the cause of the incumbents. I personally feel this fine man should not be drawn into the election, and these acts are despicable. General Davis and I had a very cordial conversation and wished each other well. A long-time Member by the name of Stan asked if he could put an article in the Graybeards in reference to the Candidates of his choice. He offered to pay for this space. He was told by Mr. Krepps, Editor, that he (Mr. Krepps) would not permit this no matter what. Again this proves the Graybeards is being used by Mr. Coon and his slate of Candidates. The opposing Candidates, nor anyone else who supports Mr. Adams and his running mates, are restricted from its use. I didn't think this was allowed in a democratic country. The KWVA election should be conducted in a democratic fashion, but it is obvious this is not being done. A one-sided election is usually run in a controlled society and there is no reason for it here other than a personal intent not to give up the leadership to anyone in this election. I can hardly wait to hear the results of the voting to see what the wishes of our Members are. With all of the repeated propaganda, as I call it, some of our Members could possibly be duped into believing everything is OK in the KWVA and vote for more of the same. I hope that our older and wiser veterans see the fallacy in all this and vote for a change of command. We will see at the National Meeting July 27 in the Washington, DC area. Candidate Jim Ferris of New York State sends his best and prayers to Sam Naomi. A lot of other people who have come in contact also wish Sam well and have him in their prayers. Sam, I didn't know you had so many friends. Jim Ferris went on to say, "If I am elected I promise I will do everything in my power to put some integrity back into our KWVA, starting by insisting on honesty". Jim, I support that 100% and I know there are thousands who feel the same way. By now most of you have voted. Your choice is your own. With all of the threats, expulsions, one-sided use of the Graybeards, and lack of courtesy and appreciation for the efforts of many of our Members, I would hope there would be a large turnout of votes to bring some sanity back into the KWVA. Like I said before, our country was baptized in war and again we are fighting the good fight to save something we all feel is worthy to battle for, and that is the KWVA. For some time I have not been feeling well and I think I now know why. After some routine tests I was told by my doctor I have developed diabetes. I am doing daily blood testing and so far it show a reading of 128 to 145. I do not know how bad this is but my doctor thinks my hemoglobin is out of control. I am not yet on a diet nor am I taking pills or insulin. The only thing I know is that the doctor's remarks scared the hell out of me. I will see him personally next week and try to get the right story. I intend to continue my Open letters as long as I am able and feel there is a need to do so. With the incoming e-mail almost shut down to nil I will try to keep you all as enlightened as I can about what might be of interest to you. You all know how I feel about the election and I hope you all voted but if anybody is known to have not voted, please encourage him or her to do so. Please make your plans to attend the National Meeting in July. It is important. Your personal opinion is greatly appreciated. Freedom is not free and it never was. 3623 Respectfully, John Kronenberger