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![]() John's Open Letters Vol. 1 #5 September 28, 2001 Dear Sirs, The importance of this Open Letter is to continue to let you know what I have been told and to cover issues of concern to all in the K.W.V.A. First an apology and a correction. It has been brought to my attention that I made two mistakes in my last letter. One was that Mr. Coon appointed Mr. Krepps as Editor of The Graybeards. Correction is that ex-President Nick Pappas appointed Mr. Krepps. Mr. Coon retained him as Editor. The second was the vote of 57 yes, 10 no, and 2 abstaining was taken to suspend Mr. Pappas and not on the Motion to accept the Election results. Sorry Nick. I stand corrected. In my eagerness to prove there was not a quorum present I failed to fully read the Minutes of the Meeting in The Graybeards. I included this in my letter to prove a point, that there was only 69 members who voted and not the 100 that was confirmed as present by Sgt.-at-Arms Jack Edwards. I have been under the opinion any member who wishes to run for office can do so and there would be no interference from anyone, especially the National President or any opposing candidate. The following is a sequence of e-mails that I received, sent, and had a reply from President Coon. First e-mail from "CoonKoreanExpow" to "LEROYTHORN" (Maryland Chapter); forwarded to me April 19, 2001 by Leroy Thorn: "LEROY - THE ELECTIONS ARE FOR NATIONAL BOARD ARE IN THIS ISSUE OF GRAYBEARD THERE ARE 2 OF THE 6 RUNNING THAT WOULD NOT HELP K W V A JOHN SETTLE IS RUNNING FOR RE-ELECTION AND HE HAS ALREADY HURT THE OPERATION . HE IS AGAINST EVERYTHING THAT IS GOOD FOR THE K W V A HARLEY " My e-mail April 21, 2001 to Harley Coon, which also included a copy of the above: "Harley, What has John Settle done that is against the interests of the K.W.V.A.? Why shouldn't I vote for him? Who is the second person you referred to? John Kronenberger" E-Mail reply from CoonKoreanExpow. It is copied exactly as it was written by Mr. Coon: "JOHN, DIRECTOR SETTLE HAS CALLED MEETINGS TO OVERTHROW WHAT THE MEMBERSHIP APPROVED AT MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS. HE WANTS TO PAY THE CPA MYDRA THE $20,OOO.OO THAT THE MEMBERSHIP VOTED NOT TO PAY. WE DO NOT OWE THIS MONEY. HE HAS SUPPORTED NICK PAPPAS TO PUT HIM BACK ON THE EXECUTICE COUNCIL WITH VOTING PRIVIGLES AFTER THE COUNCIL HAS VOTED TO REMOVE PAPPAS FOR REFUSING TO TURN OVER THE K W V A RECORDS AND BOOKS. HE ORGINAZED A MEETING IN ARLINGTON, VA . THAT HAD THREE MEETINGS TO DISRUPT THE NORMAL OPERATION OF THE K W V A. HE VOTED TO BOYCOT OUR REGRUAL MEETING IN TUSCOLA, IL. THE MEMBERSHIP EXPELLED DIRECTON TROMENTE AND VOTED TO REMOVE DERITOR RITTENHOUSE FOR UNDERMINING THE OPERATION OF THE K W V A. JOHN SETTLE TOOK OF OFFICE TO ATTEND ALL REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE K W V A. HE ENCOURGED OTHER BOARD MEMBERS NOT TO ATTEND THESE MEETINGS. SEE JOE PREILLO STATEMENT IN THE NEXT GRAYBEARD. CALL SOME OTHER MEMBERS THAT ARE AWARE OF WHAT A FEW DISGRUNDLED BOARD TRYING TO DO TO K W V A. HOWEVER YOU VOTE FOR WHOEVER YOU WANT TO. THE K W V A WILL SURVIVE WITH OR WITHOUT JOHN SETTLE" This e-mail transmission not signed by Harley Coon, or anyone else. When I was handed this response from the sitting President, I was shocked. Then when I read it, I broke out in laughter. Then the seriousness of the composition and spelling hit home. I discovered that Mr. Coon had a feeling that he had enemies and by including them in this transmittal he created further dissension and distrust in the ranks of the K.W.V.A. Members. For those who missed the improperly spelled words, I will list them for you with the correct spelling. First, Coon's spelling - Second, correct spelling: 1) Mydra - MYRDA 2) Executice - EXECUTIVE 3) Privigles - PRIVILEGES 4) Orginazed - ORGANIZED 5) Regrual - REGULAR 6) Directon - DIRECTOR 7) Tromente - TRAMONTE 8) Deritor - DIRECTOR 9) Encourged - ENCOURAGED 10) Preillo - PIRRELLO 11) Disgrundled - DISGRUNTLED My theory about this is that if any person has an opposing view that person is no good, a trouble maker and his enemy. The best way to get rid of an enemy is to eliminate them, in effect remove them from office. The Directors are supposed to be running the K.W.V.A. and making Motions. It is only natural that any elected Officer can have opposing views for this creates a healthy organization, but if these views cannot be put in The Graybeards or brought to the attention of the members then we have censorship. Why? Is it because Mr. Coon is running the K.W.V.A. like a business, as he stated, where there is only one boss and the "employees" have no say so or they are out the door? National Meetings are well orchestrated to suit his own agenda. It is my understanding any Director can call a meeting when giving proper notice. Mr. Coon even encouraged me to "Call some other members that are aware of what a few disgrundled (sic) Board (members are) trying to do to K W V A." I did, and found many issues not allowed to be discussed after being brought up, lack of quorums at a lot of the meetings, much dissension among members, blame being put on Directors and others who disagree with Mr. Coon, meetings conducted improperly, and expenses not paid except to a select few. There were more issues but I'll save them for a future letter. I am amazed by the interest for information about the happenings of the K.W.V.A. and that the National isn't doing anything for their Chapter. I was personally told by Mr. Coon he normally does not get involved in Chapters. My suggestion is we should have a Committee for "Chapter Affairs" so the Chapters don't feel like they have no voice and have been abandoned. My composition isn't always correct and some of my information could be off somewhat but everything I have is documented. I asked for the truth and I am trying to provide the truth through these Open letters. Nothing will change me from my chosen path. We as Korean War Veterans deserve nothing less. I have equal respect for all of our veterans but in this case, my concern is primarily the Korean War Veterans. Please acknowledge receiving this letter and your personal opinion would be greatly appreciated. Freedom is not free, and it never was. Respectfully, John Kronenberger