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![]() John's Open Letters Vol. 1 #12 Dear Sirs and Ladies, I have been asked by an Appointed Staff Member to stop writing my Open letters. In several ways the writer is right in asking me to do so but he is wrong when he tells me I do not care for the K.W.V.A. and he is wrong when he says the people whose views are similar to mine are not backers of the K.W.V.A. Many are very active Members and hold office in their Chapters and Departments plus representing the K.W.V.A. in their respective States and localities. I too wish I wouldn't have started my letters, but I felt a need to do so. Immediately after I did my phone was ringing and the letters (e-mails) kept pouring in. It became all too apparent there was a large segment of our well meaning Members that was not happy about issues and goings on that affected them. There is no hatred in my heart now or before. Hatred only hurts the person who feels that way. I have never heard from anyone that wants this association to go away or change to give others more power. I do agree if the Membership wants a change in officers then by all means go by the By-Laws and Elections. My letters were not meant to change anybody's mind, as the writer implies. My letters were to find the truth for all because there was no other way to receive information except what was allowed to be printed in the Graybeards. This Member states, "So far I see no harm." I feel this writer doesn't understand human nature. There is always going to be bickering between individuals because we all by being free, have different views. I do have another life, as you know, I write books. My personal feeling is that this writer is doing an excellent job for the K.W.V.A. Numbered listing of recent e-mails from interested Members: 1) A nice e-mail I just received gave thanks to all who have participated in my letters. He would like to see them (my Open letters) spread nation wide. To answer his wishes, I think that is already being done by others than myself. Quite a few of our Members have taken it upon themselves to spread the circulation of my letters to others because they have shown an interest in them and feel they should be informed also. 2) This one in part: "I hope you come out on top in Las Vegas. Good luck and may the lord be with you." 3) Then this: "I believe the By-laws call for a special meeting to be published 30 days in advance ( done in Graybeards) and the business of the meeting shall be described in the notice calling for the meeting. Used to be Article VII para 5." I'm not sure but my By-Laws are not current, just Amendments. 4) "Thank you for including me" 5) "Thank you John for the 11th Open letter. Our members need to be informed and you are doing a great job in achieving this. It is unfortunate our members must be subjected to this negative mode of operation." 6) "Hi John, I suppose it's time to air out all the "dirty laundry" from time to time to keep reigns on the "mightier than thou" individuals. I think this is an appropriateforum with which to do so, and as long as the truth prevails, then fire away!" 7) "John, I am a founding charter member of the KWVA L350 and must have had my head in the sand for not being involved. Please send me your letters so I will know how you are doing. Jim Lewis, not a POW but with two combat tours in Korea." 8) "The outcome of the forth coming meeting in NV is going to be very interesting and I have the feeling that Mr. Coon is going to be very careful as to what he does. And should he not, I think that the Ex. Board may be able to remove him from his position after a hearing of charges, if they are brought up by the membership. As I understand Roberts Rules of Order, if a by law does not cover an incident or a particular problem, Roberts Rules of Order then takes precedent. John 5th RCT Korea 1951" All who are on my e-mail list received a Disclaimer about an e-mail purportedly sent by me to quite a few of our Members. This was a malicious attempt to stir up trouble and confusion amongst the good K.W.V.A. Members and to try to downgrade my Open letters. This nasty person has used our e-mail address with an extra "a" in it to spread his vile. I feel he made a big mistake by putting my name, phone number, proper e-mail address, FAX number and web page address at the end of his letter. At the time of this writing we are investigating to see who this is. If anyone has a source to find out who this is it would be appreciated so appropriate action can be started. His twisting of my letters in characteristic of someone who has spent time being brainwashed and no good can come out of it. In fact this should be a wake-up call to all in the K.W.V.A. so a "breath of fresh air" can be injected into the organization. (This comment was sent to me about my letters. Thanks!) I in no way will tell people what to do but if you feel as strongly about honesty and fairness as I do you will go to the next Meetings in Nevada in January. In the last year I have talked to all but three of our Nationally elected Officers or replacements (for suspended officers) for one reason or another, plus several Appointed Staff Members. In every case except for a few they wished me well, even though some disagreed with me about my Open letters. I personally wish they would consider the Membership and have an open mind about all issues concerning the K.W.V.A. Opposing views are a healthy sign and should be considered for the well-being of all. A closed mind is a terrible thing and can only have a bad effect on our Organization. It would be prudent to check the underlying reasons my Open letters are so well received. Very few of our Members have met any of our Directors and they are feeling left out. Mr. Coon on the other hand has made many appearances and in some cases was not invited to State or Chapter Meetings by their respected Officers. Only a one-sided view (through rose-colored glasses) is usually given. I haven't received my tinted glasses yet and I can't wait to get them. This is not a rose colored or sugar coated world and no one can tell me the K.W.V.A. did not have problems before I started writing. With this I am getting away from my usual informative and hopefully helpful writings. Being the writer and perpetrator of my Open letters I take full responsibility for them.. Then there is the help I receive from my wife with her computer. I write, she types, and I proofread. I am asking you all to excuse an occasional slip up on my part, because while trying to write a good letter, I'm not perfect. I know there are some people who think they are but I don't want to know them. With the large volume of transmissions incoming and outgoing I would like for any number of you to thank Sheila, my wife, for helping me in sending my Open letters. Without her expertise I could not do it. The typos are mine and you can fault me if you like. She works hard for me and deserves more than I can say. With all that I have received that is a total deception by party or parties unknown, I want to quote Shakespeare: "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive." I feel this is very appropriate considering a recent transmission. I just received an e-mail from our good Member, lawyer, and Veterans causes supporter, Mr. Charley Price. He, like others, has taken a serious interest in the phony e-mail sent out under my name without my permission. Mr. Price has taken it upon himself to pursue this for it appears to be a Federal Offense. I will await more information on this matter and any important correspondence I receive will be passed on to all e-mail addresses on my list for you to use as you see fit. After receiving an e-mail dated 5 Nov. 2001 from President Harley J. Coon on the subject of the "Mid Winter Board Meeting", I became curious about the arrangements through the Bobbie Smith Travel Co. I figured I had a right to do what I did because I have a vested interest in the upcoming Hearing about me at the Meetings. I called the Imperial Palace Hotel Casino in Las Vegas and discovered there was only forty rooms reserved for "Board Members" of the K.W.V.A. and in order to get the "low room rates" you had to make your reservations through the Bobbie Smith Agency. Then I asked can anybody make a reservation personally and what was the rate. I was informed there was a "Winter Special" from Nov. 18 through Jan. 31, 2002. The rate I got was $56.68 per night, double or single, but the second night was "free". This came to $170.04 for the four nights. Your reservation is to be made on a personal basis. The K.W.V.A. is not part of this Special. The Hotel has 2700 rooms and the figure of 230 that was given to me as available was done by a reservation clerk who did not have the right information because the final agreement was not reached at that time. The last call I made to the Imperial Palace Hotel was Nov. 6 and I was informed availability of rooms was on a first call first reserved basis. The "Winter Special" rate does not become available until Nov. 18. Anyone wishing to do so should call after this date. I was further advised rates are subject to change but once you have made your call it is highly unlikely to have a different rate. I read Mr. Coon's e-mail that said, "This will insure the low room rates and we can keep a count of the rooms sold. The Imperial hotel will not accept individual reservations." I was dumbfounded. I could not believe a hotel in Las Vegas would not accept individual reservations. The number to call is 1-800-634-6441 but you have to make your call after Nov. 18 as I stated. With a General meeting requiring a minimum of 100 Members I cannot see how forty rooms would be able to accommodate all the Officers and Members who are planning to attend. See your organization in action. I wish I could go for it does involve me to a degree. This could be the K.W.V.A.'s "shining hour" and I would like to have been there to see some sparkles. This will be a nice winter break for many members. My next letter will be personal in nature. I had planned to do so now but circumstances warranted my writing this letter at an earlier date. I want to thank all those interested who more or less got on the band wagon but due to limited space I am not able to put everything in my Open letters. I know you would understand. Freedom is not free, and it never was. Respectfully, John Kronenberger