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![]() John's Open Letters Vol. 1 #25 April 24, 2002 One of our hate-mongers is spreading lies that I cussed out someone in the loop of things. Also Mr. Coon has sent me an e-mail dated April 21 where he states, "I received word that you have been kicked out of another chapter, how many is that now 3 or 4 ?" At present I am a paid-up Member of the Imjin Chapter KWVA until Jan. 1, 2005, and I am a Member of the Maryland Chapter KWVA until Dec. 31, 2002. My Maryland Chapter number is A50054. Mr. Edgar J. Herman is the Membership Chairman. Why are you spreading lies, false accusations, and other trash about me and others? Also your lying statement about me being investigated by the Attorney General's Office in Columbus, Ohio has no merit and they have been notified about your improper actions. You were elected the leader of the Korean War Veterans Association, Inc. but you have turned your back on its Members by your disturbing actions and lying ways. This is not a good reflection on you as a Korean Veteran or as a leader. Why are you continuing this tirade against me and others? No one can possess that much hate. Show me the proof to back up your e-mails. We don't have a "Sound Off" Section in our National magazine so we sound off here. If there are complaints about my Open letters, I would welcome them with open arms and I will try to reply. I want to give credit where credit is due, namely Jerry Lake, Sam Naomi, and others who worked hard toward organizing the many new Chapters that have been added in the last few years. Good job. I can't understand what the obsession Mr. Coon has about the amount of money we have in the treasury. Other Veterans Organizations' Commanders don't brag about how much money they have. The money belongs to the Members and is hopefully being safeguarded by the Treasurer and the Financial Committee. After reviewing Mr. Coon's resume in the latest Graybeards I have come to the conclusion that there are incorrect and false statements in it that I should tell you about in case you missed them: first: The Treasury had over $390,000 when Mr. Coon took over as KWVA President. We were not "nearly bankrupt" as he says. Second: The Graybeards is a nice magazine but I feel it is restricted to a few and appears to be censored. You or I are not allowed to put informational letters in it. No Directors are either. Only Mr. Coon and the Editor Mr. Krepps used it for political purposes in their articles. Third: Mr. Coon does not have two silver stars on his Korean Service Medal for they are not legal. This is according to a letter I have from the Military Records Center in St. Louis. They look good but not a true statement. Fourth: Mr. Coon is no longer on the Greene County (Ohio) Veterans Service Commission. He was replaced by a lady on Jan. 15, 2002 by Administrative Judge Mr. David Reid, of the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Xenia, Ohio 45385-2998. Document on file. Another untrue statement that was on his resume. Last but not least: The By-Laws do not allow a third consecutive term for President in the KWVA. These are hard cold facts of which I have documented proof which was sent to me unsolicited. There is no hearsay here. Most people write a nice resume about themselves but I could never support a Member who puts untrue statements in his resume to get elected. A lot of people have been told, and some believe, Mr. Adams will return Nick Pappas to office. Only the Executive Board and the Membership can do this. The President can not. Besides, Mr. Pappas has no desire to run for office. As an outsider I feel he is honest with me and telling the truth. This is no reason for anyone to not vote for Mr. Adams. He is a worthy Candidate for our highest office. Director Joe Pirrello sent out an e-mail titled "The Gang of Five". He is into the name calling and writing half-truth remarks about Mr. Adams, Mr. Morga, and Mr. Calabria as well as including Mr. Tramonte and Mr. Pappas. Joe does not know that Mr. Calabria can't endorse Tramonte and Pappas as Candidates for they are expelled and suspended as Members. Sorry Joe, you said it. Joe says Mr. Adams himself ran for three terms. He fails to correctly state only two were elected terms. His first time as President Mr. Adams was appointed for there was no election process at that time. Then he says Adams and Scooter Burk used $10,000 each on one of their trips. Mr. Pirrello fails to say that even though the money was authorized, they never received it, thereby they could not have use it. They took care of their own out of pocket expenses. There is more that he says about Mr. Adams but it is not worth my time or space to comment on it for it is pure nit-picking. He says suspended Ex-President Nick Pappas led the organization into disaster. Mr. John Maison, Treasurer at that time, acted alone. The Council had the responsibility to make sure the checks should have two signatures and this was not done. This allowed Mr. Maison to do as he wanted with the funds in our Treasury. The FBI and the United States Attorney in Illinois said Mr. Pappas was not involved. I have proof of this in signed documents on file. About Rusty Tramonte, expelled Director. There was no organized boycott by him to disrupt the organization. He just did not attend the meeting as did others. Mr. Tamonte was not a leader in this matter. Another false statement. Mr. Bob Morga, Director, has been working hard to make sure there was proper financial control of our Treasury. He will be recommending that a Board of Trustees be appointed to review all checks and every expenditure. They will be the watch dog of the KWVA finances. And you, Joe, said he doesn't do anything. I want to be invited to the "old boys drinking club" if and when I can make a meeting. Mr. Tramonte does not drink but I suspect you could drive a man to drink by your insinuating e-mail. Now you really hurt me by talking about your Chapter President and my friend Joe Calabria. When Joe made those twenty-five calls to his friend Tramonte this was brought up to your Board and they "refused his offer to pay" the twenty-three dollars and some cents. They are authorized to spend up to $100.00. Your accusations of financial irresponsibility is a cheap shot and should be kept in your Chapter, if it were true, which I doubt very much. Mr. Pirrello, why are you turning against these fellow Members and ex-Members? Who do you like besides Mr. Coon and yourself? We should have more respect for our fellow Korean War Veterans but I question your personal motives, other than supporting Harley Coon. When I talked to you several months back you told me you were your own man, but you have proven that you are a Coon supporter by your actions. I don't give a tinker's damn who you support but I do care what you say about the good people in the KWVA. If you are so inclined to be rude, spreading misleading information and being disrespectful, I will consider the source and ignore your disruptive e-mails. Why the hate? You only hurt yourself. Your labeling of these men as a "Gang of Five" shows you have been reading some other mail that must have impressed you. first Mr. Coon said a "few members" were causing trouble and were putting out vindictive, misinformation, lies, and many other untrue words that I forgot. Oh yeah! He said they were disgruntled and were trying to get their hands on the money. Disgruntled, maybe, very concerned, yes, but not trying to get their hands on the money. Then there was the "Gang of Six" I became upset because I was not named. Then there were many more and not over 300 members who might vote for a change. Now you disappoint me by only writing about five, three Members who are running for National office and the other two who are not eligible. Sounds to me you are regressing by your numbers. If anyone doubts my information in responding to Joe Pirrello's e-mail, please e-mail or call me for I am at your service for the good of the KWVA. An e-mail from Richard Alexander blames me for him running out of copy paper. Mr. Alexander, you have other options you may not have considered or want to. One, you can delete my messages. Two, you can read my letters on the screen, and third, you can buy more paper. Now if you want, at your expense, I will send you my used paper, one side good, if you will pay the postage. It would be cheaper to buy more reams of copy paper. I guess if I need to be blamed for something it would be best to be blamed for that because it shows you are reading my e-mails. Thank you, Richard. I need all the humor I can get. Two of our friends have been in the hospital recently. Jack Whitfield spent eleven days at Mather Veterans Hosp. in California and is home catching us with his mail. Jack is doing as good as can be expected. Also Pat Sullivan from South Carolina had major surgery and is now in rehab. for six weeks. He is chipper but he has a long way to go. They are great men and Members of the KWVA and are deserving of our thoughts and prayers. It is springtime in Southern Illinois. Not only are things turning green but the robin couple is relishing fat worms from our yard. The birds and gray squirrels are getting fat on our seed handouts. Looks like some are pregnant. At least somebody is keeping their species alive. The pleasures of youth. Makes me jealous to be young again. My memories keep me going. A great friend of mine in Minnesota recently lost his wife. She was a very nice lady. Hang in there, Oren. We will always be here for you if you need us. Use your phone, my bill is high. Lastly, with Mr. Pirrellos's e-mail, this is the sixth Officer or Staff Member who has been name calling, threatening, accusing, and spreading lies or untrue remarks about me and others in the KWVA. Yes, there are problems in the KWVA and we know who they are. They should be ashamed of themselves for they are bringing harm to the organization. Pleas pass my letters on to others by what ever means you have at your disposal. Copy if you wish. Your personal opinion is greatly appreciated. Freedom is not free and it never was. Respectfully, John Kronenberger