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A Home Front Effort


Dr. Philip Deaver was a medical doctor who lived in Tuscola, Illinois [host city of The Korean War Educator] during the 1950s. He was one of the most respected physicians in the community. Everyone loved him. In 1951, Dr. Deaver sent a message to Tuscola’s citizens via the December 6, 1951 issue of the Tuscola Review newspaper. His message is reprinted below. In addition, KWE readers can view Dr. Deaver's photo album on the Korean War Educator.  They were sent to the KWE courtesy of Dr. Deaver's daughter, Maureen Deaver Purcell.


"The Review is seeking used clothing for the Korean kiddies on Dr. Philip F. Deaver’s island—the kiddies ‘who wander around naked from the waist down and blue with cold.’ The decision to appeal to the public for assistance was reached late last week when a letter to the editor arrived from Dr. Deaver, a Tuscola physician who enlisted in the Army Medical Corps last Summer and has since been stationed on an island near Pusan, Korea, with the 64th Field Hospital. A portion of Dr. Deaver’s letter is quoted below:

The Innocent Victim

"Winter is on and though the soldiers are well equipped now, the Korean people, particularly the children who are the real innocent victims—and the most pathetic victims—of this war are going to suffer terribly. The children on this island wander around naked from the waist down and blue with cold.
They eat from garbage cans if they get there first. Many are no older than my children. Some are master beggars and thieves at six years old, because they have had no recourse.

It occurred to me several days ago that you would perhaps know an agency or group that collects old clothes. And that perhaps some could be shipped here to me and I could handle the distribution of them. What Americans often throw away would be a real luxury to these little gooks…."

Review Will Pay Postage

There is no charitable agency that collects clothing for shipment to individuals. Therefore, the Review has decided to undertake the collection and mailing of clothing to Dr. Deaver, who practiced here for several years before entering the Medical Corps, and is widely known throughout the area.
Shipments will be made to Dr. Deaver by parcel post at the rate of $14.52 per hundred pounds, with the Review paying the postage. It is hoped that at least 500 pounds of clothing suitable for children—sweaters, coats, trousers, underwear, caps, etc.—can be sent by December 15, which will be the deadline for shipments.

Postmaster Wayne Neal estimates that it will take about three weeks for the clothing to reach the island. The Review has attempted to arrange for shipment by air transport, but without success.

Dr. Deaver’s Address

Individuals who desire to make shipments direct to Dr. Deaver may do so at this address: Captain P.F. Deaver, MC01921410, APO 59, 64th Field Hospital, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, California. Otherwise, garments for the Korean youngsters should be brought to the Review office. Because of the press of business, the staff will not be able to make individual collections except in extreme cases. All clothing will be packed for shipment, with the bundles weighing 70 pounds or less.

Forty Martyrs Makes Offer

The Forty Martyrs Catholic church, which annually collects used clothing for charitable agencies, has just completed a drive and has offered the choice of the garments in the warehouse. It is hoped that other churches will also assist in this attempt to ease the suffering of children who had no part in starting the Korean War, but who are, as Dr. Deaver says in his letter, ‘the most pathetic victims’ of the conflict. In the event anyone cares to donate money for postage, the Review will accept it with thanks. We are prepared, however, to spend whatever is necessary to help Dr. Deaver make life a little easier for the children on his island."


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